Production Process
Host Plant Maintenance
- Exclusive chawki garden for young age rearing under nylon net.
- Application of rogar (0.09%) and chemical fertilizers (@ 34 grams nitrogen, 46 grams phosphorus and 12 grams potash) in chawki garden.
- Application of organic manure @ 1.5 kg per plant and chemical fertilizers @ 100:50:50 NPK kgs/hac./year in two split doses.
- Spraying of 1.5% Urea solution on foliage of natural plantation to improve quality of leaf.
- Adoption of rain water harvesting and in situ conservation system to improve plant growth and yield.
Silkworm Rearing
- Maintenance of crop schedule.
- Proper disinfection of rearing field with the recommended package of practices.
- Rearing of young age larvae on succulent leaves of food plants and protection of young age larvae from various hazards like pest/predators and strong rain and wind etc. by rearing under net.
- Proper transfer of chawki and late age worms.
- Proper care during moult and spinning.
- Management of silkworm diseases through body disinfection with Lime and Bleaching powder (97:3) dusting & Lime and Bleaching powder (9:1) in the rearing field and spraying of hypochlorite and Jeevan Sudha .
- Proper care while transportation of seed cocoons from field to grainage house.
Seed Production
- Procurement of seed cocoons from departmental rearings and adopted rearers as per quality standers.
- Proper disinfection of grainage building with recommended disinfectants.
- Proper care during preservation period.
- Maintenance of temperature and humidity during preservation period.
- Mother moth examination during grainage period to prepare disease free layings (dfls).
- Egg collection, washing and surface sterilization to ensure quality dfls.
- Egg drying, storing and packing.
- Egg transportation using transportation basket during cool hours of the day.